To deposit an item from an external wallet, log in to NGS and verify your wallet. This step ensures that our system can properly detect and process your deposit.
IMPORTANT: You can only deposit items from collections that we’ve launched on Nifty Gateway Studio or those that have been verified on our marketplace. Depositing an unsupported item will not be successful.
Connect Your Wallet:
Step 1: Verify Wallet Ownership on your Nifty Gateway Studio Account.
To deposit items from your wallet, make sure you are logged in to NGS. Go to your Account Settings and select 'External Wallets' to verify ownership of your wallet. This will prompt you to sign a transaction onchain.
Please note that you can connect an external wallet address to one Nifty Gateway Studio account. If you have multiple NGS accounts, and you connect your external wallet to one, you will not be able to connect it to another.
Step 2: Transfer Items From your Verified Wallet to our Omnibus Wallet.
Once you've verified and connected your external wallet to your Nifty Gateway Studio account, simply transfer an eligible item from your verified wallet address to our Nifty Gateway Studio Omnibus wallet.
Profile Deposit:
Step 1: Ensure you are logged in to Nifty Gateway Studio
Step 2: Click on your profile picture in the upper right-hand corner and select ‘Profile.’
Step 3: Open the ‘Nifty Gateway Wallet’ dropdown and select your external wallet.
Step 4: Click on the token you wish to deposit into your NGS Account.
Step 5: Select ‘Deposit’.